Birmingham Friendly 2023 Results

Ben Mayoh and Madison Dorrzapf - Couple 6

George Bull and Alessia Oliveri - Couple 18

Aizar Enciso-Dominguez and Izumi Kurokawa - Couple 26

Warren Smith and Eleftheria Safarika - Couple 42

Stefano Gritti and Sophia Jiang - Couple 45

Timothy Langer and Elena Tybulewicz - Couple 48

George Gilligan and Helena Man - Couple 56

Benjamin Biggs and Zoë McGee - Couple 71

Ken Li and Sienna Bao - Couple 87

Yue Shi - Solo 99

Edward Law and Erin Attrill - Couple 113

Kennedy Au and Iris Roatiş - Couple 125

Alistair McMurray and Helena Man - Couple 128

Zoe Willis and Stephanie Themistocleous - Couple 138

Ben Mayoh and Erin Attrill - Couple 140

Athos Vacanas and Adela Capilnasiu - Couple 145

Aizar Enciso Dominguez and Madison Dorrzapf - Couple 150

Jake Woolley and Mara Ivan - Couple 173

Joseph Guillon and Kayla Kim - Couple 175

Rachael Giles and Nikola Mikolaskova - Couple 176

Daniel Wilcox and Lauren Gu - Couple 186

Maxime Robin and Christie Tsang - Couple 188

Paul Vangerow and Asia Gosieniecka - Couple 196

Bowen Kwan - Solo 200

Julia Chmielowska and Lucy Bett - Couple 202

Markus Koerbel and Madeleine Morelli-Batters - Couple 208

Mona Qiu and Erica Lin - Couple 232

Chen-E Low and Diana Ioniţă - Couple 237

Alistair McMurray and Izumi Kurokawa - Couple 247

Keven Du and Izabela Jaszcz - Couple 259

Matthew Abdul-Rahim and Emma Gilbert - Couple 269

Juncheng Wen and Lucy Goodchild - Couple 272

Dominic Cronie and Nina Anderson - Couple 287

Faizan Ahmad and Alisha Esmail - Couple 289

Bowen Kwan and Yue Shi - Couple 291

Devon Anthony and Katie Chow - Couple 305

Edward Law and Anna McGovern - Couple 309